
Galeano - Artist Rendition

Galeano ¡Presente! Painting in his memory – celebrating his passion!

The murdered Zapatista teacher Galeano has become an respected and honored, almost iconic, figure in the songs and stories of the Mayan peoples of Chiapas, Mexico. This spring, his memory will be reborn
in the vivid colors and powerful images of Mexican muralism. Join us in Chiapas, or below and on the left in your heart of hearts, to make this amazing project possible!

The Mayan Zapatistas of Chiapas, Mexico have pledged their support to the murdered and disappeared student-teachers of Ayotzinapa.

Zapatistas open their hearts to Ayotzinapa

“It is terrible and marvelous that the poor and humble families and students who aspire to be school teachers have become the best teachers this country has seen in recent years.” In thousands of tiny, rural Zapatista communities throughout Chiapas, Mexico; emotions run deep in support of the now famous 43 – murdered and disappeared student-teachers from Ayotzinapa. The powerful speech reprinted below was delivered in the name of the Zapatista leadership by Subcommander Insurgent Moises in Caracol II, Oventic on Nov. 15, 2014 during a visit by the families of the 43.

TEACH CHIAPAS: Autonomy and teaching about the Zapatistas

TEACH CHIAPAS features delightful stories and snappy videos, interactive timelines and colorful maps, primary source Zapatista materials and photo galleries, social media and up-to-date newsletters, plus lesson plans and classroom activities. Much of the English language content, classroom videos, photos, and lesson plans have never been available before…certainly there’s never been an English language resource like TEACH CHIAPAS.

Justice for the student teachers of Ayotzinapa.

Ayotzinapa: Zapatistas support student teachers

To the students of the Escuela Normal of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, and to your family members, classmates, teachers, and friends, we simply want to let you know that:

You are not alone. / Your pain is our pain. / Your dignified rage is ours also.

To the compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth in Mexico and the world, we call on you to mobilize, according to your means and ways, in support of the community of the Escuela Normal in Ayotzinapa, and in demand of true justice.

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