Workshops for Education Promoters

kids-schools-2-27feb2014-unknownEducation promoters (promotores de educación) are central to Zapatista schools and they work without pay in tiny rural Mayan communities across Chiapas, Mexico.

These dedicated educators, selected by and from autonomous Mayan communities, are constantly raising their educational level by participating in workshops and classes organized by the autonomous Mayan school system.  Most of these workshops and classes are taught by Zapatistas themselves, although in rare instances outsiders with special skills are invited into the communities to share their expertise and exchange experiences.

Schools for Chiapas supports the continuing education of these vital Zapatista education promoters in several ways.  Occasionally we help locate and transport special trainers for education promoters’ workshops and classes; at other times, we can help cover the costs of food, transportation, and teaching materials for these training encounters.  Your generous support will allow us to continue to provide financial and other resources toward continuing and advanced education for the Zapatista education promoters. Click here to give a Gift of Change supporting education promoters.


NOTE:  Zapatistas do not use the term “teacher” because of many terrible experiences with bad teachers in the official government school; rather they prefer the term “Education Promoter” to describe adults working in their community-controlled schools.

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